Who won? Was it the Godless Atheists with their reason and logic or was it the well mannered and kind, yet naive, followers of God? Well, here is the run down.
Ray Comfort is the man with all the answers. He teams up with "Growing Pains" star Kirk Cameron to deliver the proof in God's existence to the heathen Atheists.
Let's step back for a second to look at Mr. Comfort's earlier proof of God's existence. In this series of videos Comfort and Cameron try to show proof in the Almighty with a farm banana. Yes, that's right, a mere banana wields the power of the Alpha and Omega. Look how easy it is to grasp with its non-slick surface. How it points right at the face for quick consumption. Not to mention it has a tab at the top for easy access to its 'naner goodness.
Well, many pointed out on Youtube that real banana's come in many shapes and sizes:

Some brought up the point about God's creation of pineapples and coconuts. Seriously, God that's a good point. Why did you make those tasty pineapples so hard to get into!?
While the banana can be used to prove God's existence, ordinary jarred Peanut Butter can disprove science. That's right, whoever that old geezer is has a damned good point, Atheists. Why isn't their random occurrences of new life inside my peanut butter jar? I think that if life were to be created by your difficult-to-understand processes that it should happen in my food jars as well. I want life spewing from everything, that would be a true survival of the fittest. Imagine what kind of Jelly-like life forms could be made inside my peanut butter jar! That would make my sandwich making so much easier.
Thank God for grocery stores, or else we'd never have a solid foundation for Christianity.
What new proof will Comfort bring to the debate? Maybe a miracle could be in store? Maybe some healing like Jesus and his apostles did in the New Testament? Moses got a whole bunch of plagues... what could Mr. Comfort get... Oh my God... it's Coca Cola? Comfort believes that if you see a can of tasty soda that there must have been someone who made it, that if you see a building that someone must have built it, and that if you see a person someone must have f***ed them into existence.
In this longer cut of the video (which you don't really have to watch), Comfort believes that our eyes and hands just suddenly appeared on the human body.
I wonder how those unbelieving Scientists think our magic seeing spheres got into our heads...

That easy to see progress from left to right must be some sort of scientific magic trick! It may not be convincing to everyone, but damn it almost seems to make sense...
Alright, maybe you Evolutionists have a point about the eye, but what about the hand, I bet you ain't got proof on that...

But wait, Comfort has MORE proof, yes more! (which again, you don't really have to watch). This time he is a lot more preachy.... He had said that he wouldn't use the Bible or faith to prove God. Well, he uses the 10 commandments as proof to God's existence because it "mirrors" our conscience.
He seems to agree that we are born with a conscience, as does Science to an extent, and that it acts as God's voice. The 10 Commandments reflect our conscience as instructions of what we already know to be true... (don't lie, don't steal, don't f*** your neighbor's wife/husband/both) Well, if we are born with a conscience that is God's voice, why would He need to give us the Commandments? He seems to have left that part out.
If you're interested in seeing what the heathen Atheists have to say, here you go. They really dumbfounded the two disciples a few times. I think that everyone was disappointed with the outcome of Comfort's Coca-Cola proof...
Neither side could prove one way or the other, but I have to admit that the heathens brought up a few good points.
Your links didn't work. I tried to look at them.
I respect anyone's points about the existence of a higher power, I'm truly agnostic myself. There may truly be something greater than ourselves out there... but I feel that it is a lot harder than saying that a farm banana proves it. I just don't feel that Ray Comfort proved that the Christian God exists.
Thanks for you comment.
It's just one link.
I'm not a big fan of the argument from design as usually stated either.
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